Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Chapter 10 Questions: Proposals

1. Provide feedback and other information for decision making plans, operating reports, personal activity report(s).

2.Secondary research is research done previously for another purpose, where as primary research is new research done specifically for the current project.

3.A survey is reliable if it will produce identical results if repeated and valid if it measures what it's supposed to measure.

4.A conclusion is a logical interpretation of facts and other information where as a recommendation suggests what to do about the information.

5.Organizations solicit proposals using a request for a proposal which includes instructions that specify exactly the type of work to be performed or products to be delivered, along with budgets, deadlines, and other requirements.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Persuasive Messages

1. Who is my audience? What are my audience members' needs? What do I want them to do? How might they resist? Ar there alternative positions I need to examine? What does the decision maker consider to be the most important issue? How might the organization's culture influence my strategy?

2. When analyzing the audience, you must take into account their cultural expectations and practices so that you do not unintentionally send the wrong message that may come across as unfamiliar or uncomfortable.

3. Emotional appeal relies on feeling or sympathy from the audience to persuade where as is based on reason using analogies and inductive or deductive logic.

4. i. Analogy ii.Induction iii. Deduction

5. The AIDA model is a way of organizing a presentation of a persuasive message into 4 separate phases. The phases are attention, Interest, Desire and Action. The AIDA model is effective when using the indirect approach, allowing you to save your main idea for the action phase. Some of the limitations of AIDA are: AIDA is a unidirectional method that essentially talks at audiences rather than with them and AIDA is built around a single even rather than building mutually beneficial, long-term relationships.